
Bike ride: return of the granny gear

Sadly did not ask for "Piso Kape" bummer...

The plan
Bike my ass-off from our humble abode to Laguna and back. It was bound to happen someday and what better DAY to do it than Siglo staple Century rides.
Saturday August 9, 4am

That thing...
Since the crash I have not been exposed to rides longer than 30 kilometer. True that I did my post crash training on the Beater SS but due to the sheer hilarity of being seen with the bike I did not push myself that much. Plus BSS had no front brake at that time so caution was definitely high priority.

PATW and visiting an old foe Sumulong highway climbs...
From Paco Manila to Antipolo it was all fun. Gradual climb of Sumulong highway was brutal but I enjoyed it...heck the climb first time I heard that continues MAX heart rate warning from my HRM detecting watch and I did not give a F*CK if I collapse and die grinding on the granny. In my hamster head I needed to conquer Sumulong because this was my sophomore visit to the place and I know that I can do it. Did 3-6kph, on the lowest cog out back and granny in tow. It was a short lived, lugaw, lemon softdrink filled victory.

Teresa ♥
If I would hire a personal dominatrix (which I wont because married) her code name would be Teresa. Satisfying, smooth, and oh so nice going down on her...I mean on the downhill but BLUE BALLS BRUTAL ON the climbs. Strava data indicates that Teresa has category 3-4 type of climbs much like Sumulong but the designated route dictates (Teresa all the way to Piso kape Pililla Rizal and back) that you have to climb Teresa on exit which will normally come later on the ride, when you cannot even feel your lower extremities and every weak part of your legs, core will cramp. Glad no one took a video of me crying in pain, lying down at the side of that gas station.

And the rest
After Teresa comes traffic and lots of Jeepney dodging, climbs on bridges and that long one-on Julia Vargas going to San Miguel ave. was cake compared to climbs encountered earlier. Hell I even had fun dodging trees passing by the sidewalk along Julia Vargas-Tiendisitas.
Saturday August 9, 9pm

What victory?
Finished my mission that faithful day but at what cause? Looking at the ride data I burned 7000+ calories, rode for 12+ hours, and consumed 7 liters of water. Calves, thighs, core, hands, wrist, family jewels hurt like it has been kicked a thousand times, also suffered from sun-burn because to dumb to use arm warmers and what do I get?
Drive to do this sh*t again! And yes Teresa will be my bitch in a Months time. The Challenge been made and I will be back ready.

Siglo Siklista
Shout out to guys of Siglo's (you know who you are) having boat load of patience for me. Really appreciate the long ride advice, pushing my slow-ass on climbs and just being there THANK YOU.

Ernest Hamster

Endomondo transferred to Strava data
BK Tiendisitas 8PM, alone and no longer ashamed of being slow

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