
Hamster wheel

Keeps on spinning

In effort to streamline Amazing World of Ernest Hamster blog ALL NON Bike related crap will no longer get an update on this site. Namely Random photography, happy meal toys, and hotwheels collectibles.

Instead I will be adding another blog that focuses on said topics co-authored by my son and wife.

Watch out for new Ernest Hamster blog!

Fruit ninja on this...
Ouch! earlier today I got cut on my dirty finger by an open can. Luckily it was on top area not the bottom. Not much action going on there so it will heal quickly.
Can's are f*cking deadly!

To get paid you have to play
Lotto fever once again sweeping the nation. Millions of suckers...I mean hopeful gamblers...are betting their hard earned twenty-pesos for a chance of winning Napoloes chump change.

So if you win the lottery what is the first thing you will do? Or buy?

Feel good
Video of the day courtesy of Halfords.

Free pass
Instead of doing my laundry this past Sunday Opted for the more lazy option of just sleeping A lot. Thankfully my lovely wife took care of my riding ensemble.

Let's ride!

Ernest Hamster

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