
Bike ride

The mission
Manila historic route ending on day appropriate (National Heroes day) bike park in Taguig HEROES trail.

The start
Two hard boiled eggs, two banana's and three glasses of water before departure. Not to mention prepping my son's and wife breakfast before leaving. 

Bridges and trolls
Nagtahan northbound and southbound that's it. Before sleeping the night before was thinking of doing Pedro gil. , Sta.Ana, Lambinggan bridge, followed by San Juan roller coaster route to N.Domingo exiting to Sta.Mesa then Nagtahan to wherever. Couple of bridges and varying degrees of uphill BUT I woke up late so save this for next Manila Loop ride. TROLL!

I love Manila
What can I say Am lucky to live a couple of kilometers away from Spanish era, history of Manila. Just love being a dude with supple time to kill before peddling like a hamster.

Cobblestone road besides St.Agustine Church

Memory of the victims Manila liberation 1945. Great aunt was a victim of liberation.

Dragon? Swamp monster? Plaza roma in front of Manila cathedral

Baywalk dash
After taking my marry time around Intramuros. Quirino grandstand signifies the beginning of putting down the Strava stats.
Aptly called BAYWALK DASH it is straight sprint from US Embassy to Folk arts theater. The stars aligned and I got a clear DASH so to speak but did not blow past 25 kph was saving myself for bulk of the route. Next time BD, next time.

Roadie kingdom
Strangely Mall of Asia today not dominated by our brothers in tights. Not doing any laps here just passing by.

Zombie apocalypse? MOA

Macapagal...death by stupid buses
Instead of exiting on Solaire doubled back  to Coral way and DFA. Macapagal Blvd has a LOT of lanes for those f*cking buses to pass, ONE decided to cut-me off. This is the third effing time this happened to me while passing here. I do not HOG any lane, staying way deep, almost near white line. I ride like this because I respect faster vehicles right to pass me. The only time I go in a middle of the lane if I need to overtake something, turning on streets and intersection.
Arrrggg my revenge came when we ALL turned right to NAIA RD traffic! Bicycle party piece? I could snake through said traffic.

Is it the Schwalbes? Probably because the middle knobs are almost bald. And its a lightweight XC tire with thin sidewalls so.
New 30mm outer rims? 2.1 Rocket Ron's look like 2.3 tire on these suckers. So it might be stretching the Cross country tire to point of tubes pinching?
Ah...going through a tube per ride since I got the new rims. NOW I really need to try to run them tubeless. 
Because tubeless ready.


While fixing the flat. I decided to bin the planned last destination for this ride, Taguig Heroes Trail. Still have a lot on the Old Hamster tank but the risk of flatting AGAIN without any spare tubes or a patch kit can lead to more FAILS in my part so NAIA rd, Macapagal, Baywalk roxas, Malate, Singalong, HOME final route.

Buko juice for the win!

Forty for the fifty
Would easily pass the half-century mark if I continued to NAIA 3, Taguig Heroes Trail, Pasong Tamo, South super, home route. If I had the balls to risk it all...Nah.
Was hungry, was already low on funds, and I promised my wife I would be home before lunch. Couple of minutes late on that promise but still...Happy wife, happy life.

Hamster SMASH!
Today the BIG ring ride MASHING. Top end transfers to 42t not that fun as spinning but it sure is nice to maintain at least 20+kph sustained.
Strava data overall: 18kph sustained (total for whole mapped session) not bad.

Touring Camino road warrior

Ernest Hamster

Misc. Pictures!
Manila cathedral

Ilog pasig

Lake view condo's hehe

Walled city

Pinch flat valley beware!

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