
Bike ride

This was written yesterday. Had a couple of stuff to do last night and earlier today.

Today bike ride special, dedicated to my great Aunt Pura. Today is her birthday and it just so happens that my son class was cancelled in preparation for the 'Linggo ng wika' presentation tomorrow. Instead of sleeping till 11 am decided to visit Lola in Manila South cemetery.

Broken brake, rain, FAIL.

That was the plan...
And I did not go...the typical routine visit LBS to patch two reserve tubes yielded more broken stuff on my bike throwing caution to the wind.


  • Patched tubes done.
  • Owner of LBS suggested to rotate the tires. Since I want to maximize the usage of the Rocket Ron's the almost bald middle portioned rear tire was rotated to the front, now I have a fresh back-tire.
  • Told the mechanic that during a long ride 2 weeks ago that the bikes been making brake noises and caliper needs to be aligned so he conducted the check and discovered that the PADS for the front and back needs replacement.
  • Shop had the pads needed so it's a drop-in, replacement job.
  • Bleed was conducted and completed (air packet was detected), new brake pads installed.
  • Lever feel test resulted in piston getting stuck-on full lock, wont reset.
Rear brake caliper pistons would stick resulting in pads getting stuck in full-stop position.

Complete rear caliper overall OR replacement.

Spirit of Lola Pura guided me. Going home got to test the difference of front brake with new pads from temporary fixed rear brakes. Feel and power miles away.

Did not participate in Tagaytay ride due to commitments.
National Heroes day ride to heroes trail was cut short because of a flat.
And upcoming rides that might have serious ascents.

Rear calipers weird defect might have saved me from a future spill?

This and that
For now I will think about my options dealing with the brake problem. Over-haul just refreshing something old, possibility of it shitting itself again most likely.
Replacing / Upgrading the brakes on paper the best solution BUT...No budget, mo problems.

On that I close this bike ride with a Happy Birthday Lola Pura we will never forget you.

Ernest Hamster


Ernest Hamster Announcement

Strava data for Bike rides are now available wayyy down the blog. The link from Strava for embedding ride data could not be attached on post. Instead the only known way to post Strava data with all the graphs, maps is by converting IT to BLOGGER gadget.

Here the process:

Strava>RIDE>Share this activity>HTML file will appear>Select ALL> COPY.

BLOGGER>Layout>Add gadget>Basics>HTML/Javascript>Add>Open>Put title>Content PASTE (copied Strava html)>replace all ( ' ) to ( " ).

If your gadget borders are below 300. The DATA will pop-out the borders so better adjust to fit and placement.

Credit goes to Strava support and member who solved this.

Ernest Hamster

Bike ride

The mission
Manila historic route ending on day appropriate (National Heroes day) bike park in Taguig HEROES trail.

The start
Two hard boiled eggs, two banana's and three glasses of water before departure. Not to mention prepping my son's and wife breakfast before leaving. 

Bridges and trolls
Nagtahan northbound and southbound that's it. Before sleeping the night before was thinking of doing Pedro gil. , Sta.Ana, Lambinggan bridge, followed by San Juan roller coaster route to N.Domingo exiting to Sta.Mesa then Nagtahan to wherever. Couple of bridges and varying degrees of uphill BUT I woke up late so save this for next Manila Loop ride. TROLL!

I love Manila
What can I say Am lucky to live a couple of kilometers away from Spanish era, history of Manila. Just love being a dude with supple time to kill before peddling like a hamster.

Cobblestone road besides St.Agustine Church

Memory of the victims Manila liberation 1945. Great aunt was a victim of liberation.

Dragon? Swamp monster? Plaza roma in front of Manila cathedral

Baywalk dash
After taking my marry time around Intramuros. Quirino grandstand signifies the beginning of putting down the Strava stats.
Aptly called BAYWALK DASH it is straight sprint from US Embassy to Folk arts theater. The stars aligned and I got a clear DASH so to speak but did not blow past 25 kph was saving myself for bulk of the route. Next time BD, next time.

Roadie kingdom
Strangely Mall of Asia today not dominated by our brothers in tights. Not doing any laps here just passing by.

Zombie apocalypse? MOA

Macapagal...death by stupid buses
Instead of exiting on Solaire doubled back  to Coral way and DFA. Macapagal Blvd has a LOT of lanes for those f*cking buses to pass, ONE decided to cut-me off. This is the third effing time this happened to me while passing here. I do not HOG any lane, staying way deep, almost near white line. I ride like this because I respect faster vehicles right to pass me. The only time I go in a middle of the lane if I need to overtake something, turning on streets and intersection.
Arrrggg my revenge came when we ALL turned right to NAIA RD traffic! Bicycle party piece? I could snake through said traffic.

Is it the Schwalbes? Probably because the middle knobs are almost bald. And its a lightweight XC tire with thin sidewalls so.
New 30mm outer rims? 2.1 Rocket Ron's look like 2.3 tire on these suckers. So it might be stretching the Cross country tire to point of tubes pinching?
Ah...going through a tube per ride since I got the new rims. NOW I really need to try to run them tubeless. 
Because tubeless ready.


While fixing the flat. I decided to bin the planned last destination for this ride, Taguig Heroes Trail. Still have a lot on the Old Hamster tank but the risk of flatting AGAIN without any spare tubes or a patch kit can lead to more FAILS in my part so NAIA rd, Macapagal, Baywalk roxas, Malate, Singalong, HOME final route.

Buko juice for the win!

Forty for the fifty
Would easily pass the half-century mark if I continued to NAIA 3, Taguig Heroes Trail, Pasong Tamo, South super, home route. If I had the balls to risk it all...Nah.
Was hungry, was already low on funds, and I promised my wife I would be home before lunch. Couple of minutes late on that promise but still...Happy wife, happy life.

Hamster SMASH!
Today the BIG ring ride MASHING. Top end transfers to 42t not that fun as spinning but it sure is nice to maintain at least 20+kph sustained.
Strava data overall: 18kph sustained (total for whole mapped session) not bad.

Touring Camino road warrior

Ernest Hamster

Misc. Pictures!
Manila cathedral

Ilog pasig

Lake view condo's hehe

Walled city

Pinch flat valley beware!


Hamster wheel

Keeps on spinning

Weekend coming, who's excited about watching the UCI mountain bike (DH) world cup over on Redbull TV? Battle up top between Bryceland (Santa cruz), Brosnan (Specialized), Gwin (Specialized). With only a couple of points separating them from each other taking the overall riders championship this year will go down to the fastest, luckiest going down the mountain. Not to mention all of the other riders vying for end season points and fame conquering pure technical course at Meribel, France.
Fearless prediction Ratboy Bryceland for the overall, but Sam Hill for the WIN on this track.

Somewhat DH related video courtesy of Matt Dennison hehe!

Headaches followed by...
Lately been experiencing headaches, followed by upper and lower teeth aches on right part of my head and jaw. According to the internet it is Sinusitis...hey! Welcome old friend. Have not felt you for quite a while (sarcasm).

Last week my very old car developed a squeak on the engine after I showed some poseur crossover how to choke on 30 year old car exhaust fumes. Turns out that the main bolt holding the compressor lost A nut. Luckily the bolt did not fell-off, instead the excess movement of engine bumped the bolt on top of the rotor compressor grinding its head causing the mickey mouse squeak. Got a screw driver, tapped the bolt and since it was barely holding the compressor it came lose and returned right into its proper orientation, found a similar sized spare nut on one cars compartments. Hand tightened the thing and all is well.
This is why I love OLDER cars. Can you fix yours with a screw driver and just your hand?

Something bike related
Hah it has been a while. EL Camino will now be sporting a top-tube/frame attached mini-pannier courtesy of Ride Clyde Manila. Been bringing less stuff during current short rides and instead of shoving everything on my pockets, and man bag, will now be using those babies instead.
Test fitted the bag with usual spares, tools, I usually carry along ANY ride it works great. Stay tuned for upcoming product preview (Wednesdays) Iberra Top-tube; mini pannier bag.


Have a great LONG weekend, stay safe.

Ernest Hamster


Hamster wheel

Keeps on spinning

In effort to streamline Amazing World of Ernest Hamster blog ALL NON Bike related crap will no longer get an update on this site. Namely Random photography, happy meal toys, and hotwheels collectibles.

Instead I will be adding another blog that focuses on said topics co-authored by my son and wife.

Watch out for new Ernest Hamster blog!

Fruit ninja on this...
Ouch! earlier today I got cut on my dirty finger by an open can. Luckily it was on top area not the bottom. Not much action going on there so it will heal quickly.
Can's are f*cking deadly!

To get paid you have to play
Lotto fever once again sweeping the nation. Millions of suckers...I mean hopeful gamblers...are betting their hard earned twenty-pesos for a chance of winning Napoloes chump change.

So if you win the lottery what is the first thing you will do? Or buy?

Feel good
Video of the day courtesy of Halfords.

Free pass
Instead of doing my laundry this past Sunday Opted for the more lazy option of just sleeping A lot. Thankfully my lovely wife took care of my riding ensemble.

Let's ride!

Ernest Hamster


Three Stars and a Sun

In honor of our fallen brothers and sisters who gave so much for the love of our country and freedom Amazing World of Ernest Hamster will be rocking the Three stars and a sun* logo and red, yellow blue Philippine flag colors.

Photo credit, owner of this image. Thanks internet.

Other blog related stuff
Please bare with me as I fix the "Added" things to click around the site. They do not automatically display content so I have to wait for them to show up in a couple of hours for me to arrange them properly.
OCD a b*tch.

This blog will not be possible without the help of the following people and one in-animate object.
My wife, my son, my mother and my bike. Would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Also you the reader, Thank you!

*3 stars and a sun

Ernest Hamster


Bike ride: Friday...

Save me the trouble...
The day started with a mad scramble. Color coding shinning its ugly head and it is almost upon me, my wife decided not to tag along today because I'm going to park my car in-front of the school and kill time doing laps on Mall of Asia. As I was about to back-out the garage I felt that I needed to AGAIN go to the throne. Long pause and a lot of expletives later, now ready to embark. But wait...wheres the strap of the bike rack? Arrrghhh couple of minutes yet again wasted.

Using a car and rack? Ewww...
Seven on the dot
Now finally arrived at the school without incident/getting apprehended. Talked to my son for a few and promised him a couple of Hotwheel toys if he does well on his 1st quarter exams. 
Now I ride, Roxas and baywalk fine place to spin and get the legs warmed-up before hitting the roadie segment dominated MOA.

Solaire road, to diokno blvd
Back on the grind
Instead of doing my normal laps along SMC by the bay, Solaire road, and Diokno blvd. Headed straight to Libertad bridge, CCP, Starcity and back to MOA. The route does not have any brutal climbs, but it will test your sustained pedaling because of varying crosswinds.
Spinning and maintaining a certain speed sure is challenging when you cannot use the flat-land 42T front ring (self limit). But I find it to be easy on legs once you get use to it (on 32T front). My Target average for today 18 kph sustained, while I would go 20-23 kph on the top-end. According to the Strava data I did just that going a couple of KPH over the top pedaling speed.

Aliw theater...road
Plan B
Now the only missing link on my XC bike updated drive train. Sure the triple ring, 11x34 9-speed very flexible but I need that extra push on low side of gearing (climbing). Doing a 32t (front) on flats adequate most of the time unless you want to chase roadies.
An 11x36 with a single 32 upfront? Cat.3-4 climbs will be brutal but I plan on using a gear ex pander to convert the 36 to tractor pulling 42t ring STAY tuned.

EL Camino chill
Plan BSS
Instead of sticking with just the EL CAMINO during weekday runs I will mix it up a little by using the BEATER SS on alternating days so bring on the pain!

Manila bay

Strava DATA
Ernest Hamster


Hamster wheel

Waking up to nothing...
I guess today that kind of day. Hoping that wife left me some brewed coffee before going out.


That keychain
Since pockets are overrated I now forgo the use of it. Basketball shorts are my thing now, way more comfortable than cargo shorts. My trusty man bag got promoted to carrying all my crap so I decided to spruce it up a bit in my own way.
Made a keychain out of the Hotwheels Carbonator, the wing of the toy also doubles as a bottle opener for those drinking emergencies that cannot wait.

Carbonator hanging-out (pun intended)

Conceal don't feel
Well admitted to some of my bike mates that song from FROZEN "Let it go" helps me with my granny gear. I don't know...but the song got stuck in my brain so bad that no amount of Katy Perry melodies could overcome it.

Ah young Anna...Chris Akrigg would be proud. Photo from Disney Frozen

Pretty pissed
We all need that release. If you keep sh*t bottled up then it might explode when you least expect it, and people around you might be the unsuspecting victim. The thing I do to prevent blowing-up (yes I will admit that I have a temper) to listen my favorite music full-blast, ride my bike, and fondle my...seal, dolphin stuff toy. Hey this crap better and cheaper than getting a sensual massage.


Weekend coming
Really, really wanted to join fellow Siglo's on this weekend PATW to Tagaytay city but sadly I have an afternoon commitment already scheduled. Enjoy your ride guys!

Ernest Hamster


Bike ride: return of the granny gear

Sadly did not ask for "Piso Kape" bummer...

The plan
Bike my ass-off from our humble abode to Laguna and back. It was bound to happen someday and what better DAY to do it than Siglo staple Century rides.
Saturday August 9, 4am

That thing...
Since the crash I have not been exposed to rides longer than 30 kilometer. True that I did my post crash training on the Beater SS but due to the sheer hilarity of being seen with the bike I did not push myself that much. Plus BSS had no front brake at that time so caution was definitely high priority.

PATW and visiting an old foe Sumulong highway climbs...
From Paco Manila to Antipolo it was all fun. Gradual climb of Sumulong highway was brutal but I enjoyed it...heck the climb first time I heard that continues MAX heart rate warning from my HRM detecting watch and I did not give a F*CK if I collapse and die grinding on the granny. In my hamster head I needed to conquer Sumulong because this was my sophomore visit to the place and I know that I can do it. Did 3-6kph, on the lowest cog out back and granny in tow. It was a short lived, lugaw, lemon softdrink filled victory.

Teresa ♥
If I would hire a personal dominatrix (which I wont because married) her code name would be Teresa. Satisfying, smooth, and oh so nice going down on her...I mean on the downhill but BLUE BALLS BRUTAL ON the climbs. Strava data indicates that Teresa has category 3-4 type of climbs much like Sumulong but the designated route dictates (Teresa all the way to Piso kape Pililla Rizal and back) that you have to climb Teresa on exit which will normally come later on the ride, when you cannot even feel your lower extremities and every weak part of your legs, core will cramp. Glad no one took a video of me crying in pain, lying down at the side of that gas station.

And the rest
After Teresa comes traffic and lots of Jeepney dodging, climbs on bridges and that long one-on Julia Vargas going to San Miguel ave. was cake compared to climbs encountered earlier. Hell I even had fun dodging trees passing by the sidewalk along Julia Vargas-Tiendisitas.
Saturday August 9, 9pm

What victory?
Finished my mission that faithful day but at what cause? Looking at the ride data I burned 7000+ calories, rode for 12+ hours, and consumed 7 liters of water. Calves, thighs, core, hands, wrist, family jewels hurt like it has been kicked a thousand times, also suffered from sun-burn because to dumb to use arm warmers and what do I get?
Drive to do this sh*t again! And yes Teresa will be my bitch in a Months time. The Challenge been made and I will be back ready.

Siglo Siklista
Shout out to guys of Siglo's (you know who you are) having boat load of patience for me. Really appreciate the long ride advice, pushing my slow-ass on climbs and just being there THANK YOU.

Ernest Hamster

Endomondo transferred to Strava data
BK Tiendisitas 8PM, alone and no longer ashamed of being slow

Hamster preview: Energizer LED Bike lights

In the spirit of bigger bike sites I now bring to you "Hamster preview" where every crap I buy for myself "bike related" will get its first look, and a review after a month or two of usage.

For the numero uno installment it is all about essential Night ride accessories.

Bunny boy don't fail me!

As a man that likes to own and use tools I am a frequent visitor of Mall hardware stores. It's air conditioned, product lineup diverse, plus when you are lucky a cute female diser will assist you on your inquiries, and also you payed major coin for the parking fee so might as well waste more time. Handyman my favorite, the store pretty much has every crap you think you need for that DIY dream project and they also carry basic camping, cycling stuff as well. So on that matter of convenience purchased the Energizer LED front bike light and Energizer LED back bike light.

Energizer LED front bike light P795
Three LED bulbs up-front
Three modes high beam, strobe, and high beam+strobe.
High-power white LED (70 lumens on high beam mode)
Robust construction - passes 1-metre drop test
Shatter proof lens
Weather proof
Light's juice comes from 3 AA batteries (included)

Energizer LED back light P595
Three red LED bulbs
3 modes all LEDs on, all LEDs flashing and Strobe.
Shatter proof lens
Weather proof
Powered by two AAA batteries (included)

Out of the box and installation
Both light comes with instruction manual, Energizer batteries and mounting hardware.
Mounted both lights with minor issues, had to remove the rubber spacer inside the base of the rear light to not over stretch the rubber straps probably not a problem with smaller seat posts (mine is 31.6). Although not a negative flaw the screws of rear light for' and aft' adjustment flat-head type would be nice if it came with Philips screw head.
Also the Front light is Initially on "demonstration" mode. Already circled the block frustrated that my main lights will auto-shut off its dandy-self after 10 sec of usage. On my stupid haste to install the lights failed to read important first use instructions on how to turn-off DEMO mode. Just remove the batteries for 10 seconds, re-install and all is well.

Block run
Front light provides great visibility on dark or UN-lit street on high beam, on strobe oncoming vehicles or pedestrians will spot you kilometers away. Rear lights basic affair just setup the blinkers at an angle not pointed down on your tires put it on any mode and you have a rear safety warning light for oncoming vehicles, cyclist or ghost.

The price and free batteries main selling point for these products. The usual basic Cateye rear blinkers cost less (300-350) but does not come with batteries out of the box. Energizer website provides power consumption data for the lights on all of its MODE but the real test is on the street I will put 5 night rides on this lights before my final review.

Ernest Hamster


Hamster wheel

Never stops spinning.

"Kira I am kiraaa"
Potency of locally grown garlic vs imports
Been cooking lately with a lot of garlic. The pinoy "bawang" physically is smaller, much harder to peel and cost a couple of pesos more than its counterpart. The imported ones bigger, easier to peel and much cheaper . But guess who wins the aroma and garlicky taste battle?

Noypi bawang of course. The thing with local garlic is much more potent per clove than imported one. Noticed that I have to chop-up and peel at least a whole bulb of import garlic to produce the same distinct aroma and taste that half a bulb pinoy garlic produces.
Buy local
Carrying an umbrella while...
Cycling and riding a motorbike is DUMB. If you are guilty of this please f*cking stop you are clearly ignorant of the fact that umbrella might cause more damage to you and other people than the rain. A Raincoat, or a jacket cheaper than going to the hospital.
Still wet
Going straight
Lately been fascinated with Street Drag racing reality shows, hot rod and tablet drag racing games here are few of my favorite.

On Youtube
Discovery channel: Street Outlaws
Motor trend channel: Roadkill

On Android
Oldie but goodie CSR racing
Intentionally old but still good CSR racing classic

Started my fascination with drag racing while being in the peanut gallery of local events organized by the Philippine drag racing federation (PDRF) wayyy back late 90's and early 2000. When I got the opportunity to fiddle with my car I did not hesitate to touch the engine, suspension, plus learned a lot about proper FAST setup from being exposed to "The drags" so too speak. Right now I might ride slow with my family but sometimes the Drag Hamster shows itself.
2012 COPO Camaro, 1970 Plymouth SUPER BIRD
And finally the weather was nice yesterday and today. What now? Why DO the laundry of course.

Ernest "Hamster"


Hamster product reviews: Cocoons OverRX sunglasses

Ugly Hamster wearing Cocoons

The Cocoons OverRX are not your average pair of sun protection glasses. I will admit that when I first found out about the cocoons I was a little skeptical. The premise of sporting two glasses on your face struck me as something being awkward and uncomfortable.

Cocoons website

Already blown through two pairs of Dickies RX clip-on sunglasses at only P500 Dickies are cheap but they tend to break easily so I decided to try something new. It just so happens that I attended a triathlon convention and got suckered by the Cocoon sales rep.
Bought the Aviator style, brown, amber tint ones on granny size XL. Cocoons works with your existing RX glasses so put this into consideration when buying, your RX will dictate the size of your Cocoons. At first It felt awkward having two eye glasses on your face but upon adjusting the arm and earpiece the fit and feel was spot on. Immediately after leaving the convention I tried the Cocoons for driving, the combination of my hipster glasses and the cocoons were a welcome surprise.

Out of the box
Cocoons OverRX comes with instruction, soft case with belt clip and soft cloth-rag for wiping your sunglasses.

Over the course of almost a year and half the Cocoons been my go to sunglasses for almost all sunny-day activities from hiking, biking and driving. As for fashion sunglasses grandma could do better but I don't mind as long as my eyes are protected from the sun. The only downside when using the Cocoons while riding a bike is since the frame engulfs your RX glasses you have to secure the cocoons arm and earpiece tight so that it will not move around it also acts like goggles trapping heat inside on the sunniest of days.

-Durable frame
-Polarized, UV lens
-Flexible arm and earpiece for that custom fit
-Does not fog up
-Middle price range (P2500 bought it on sale yey!)

-Clear coat on plastic frame tends to peel of over time
-Limited frame designs
-Changing RX glasses to different design and size might (?) not be compatible with your existing cocoons (if you are cheap like me just buy bigger size so everything will fit).
-Minimal airflow when wearing tightly

If you do not like using RX clip-on's, contact lenses, and you have absolutely the perfect pair of RX glasses then the Cocoons will serve you well. But if you like "Style" that comes along with other brand sunglasses then Cocoons might not be your cup of tea.

Hamster points score: 3 "Try before you buy"

Credit for Sweet hamster Gif the INTERNET. Thanks internet.

Ernest "Hamster"

Hamster previews and reviews

Hamster blog now with product previews and reviews! Join me on my epic retail therapy journey blowing wads of cash on products I did ZERO research on.

Hamster previews will drop every Wednesdays, while reviews every last Wednesday of the Month so stay tuned!
Like those other reviews everywhere on the net in order to finely asses the worth of featured products yours truly will determine the awesomeness of said items by means of  CUTE Hamsters rating system.

1 Hamster "absolute garbage"
2 Hamsters "If you like this crap then..."
3 Hamsters "Try before you buy"
4 Hamsters "Excellent product"
5 Freakin' Hamster "TAKE MY MONEY!"

Ernest "Hamster"

Photo credit INTERNET. Thanks internet.


Something different

Weekly post been reduced to almost a Month of nothing. Well I got a whole lot of crap coming (still finishing the write-ups) but it is coming. Now for something completely different from usual stuff written here.
Although I usually stay clear on "feel good" articles regarding anything...this one struck-home strong. The dude Ernest Gagnon 33, at 570lb suffering from diabetes complications. His doctor recommended that he undergo gastric bypass surgery to help him lose a lot of weight instead he opted to GO OUT AND RIDE A BIKE and he succeeded.

Badass Clyde here!

And here I am with the same type of dilemma. The good thing about Gagnon story is that he is motivated while now I am on "cross-roads" that I need to figure out. During my downtime (when I crashed and ruined my bike) got to think about a lot of things. Was enthusiastic when all was taken care-off in regards to getting my bike in working order along with feel-good upgrades I purchased. Road rides are easy to come by, weekend long rides with friends/Bike group frequent. My wife now ever so supporting than before. But I still choose not to saddle up and ride. Why? Because NO MOTIVATION.
After reading Ernest Gagnon link that was posted on my FB wall by Mtbr.com I immediately went to the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror. I saw no Hamster but a pussy that I had turned to, this dude Gagnon was 570 pounds and now I am just 300 lbs bitchin' about the small details that would prevent me from riding. I have the tools, and time to do it but I choose not to...then my 5yr. old son came up to me asking for a snack. Looking at him I now realized what motivated me on the first place to take-up biking. Promised the little dude that I will be around for a long time and that will not happen if I continue on this path of weariness.

Motivated now? YES. Let's ride.