
Bike ride: Tagaytay...

Tagaytay my mythical unicorn staring at me saying FUCK YOU while its horn glisten with discontent and failure. Honestly I do not like the place because it feels like any other city, polluted, congested, and expensive but because of its elevation and somewhat cold weather it attracts cyclist looking for that casual weekend challenge, or stupidity in my case.

Pic from the net
Last weekend weather in Cavite was like a child favorite basic crayon color Yellow which means RAIN and lots of it.

Normally when such information constantly being fed to you a sane person would just stay indoors do nothing for the rest of the day and wait for the deluge to past. On hamster land we are not having that, plus I already made a bold commitment on facebook that Sunday is the day of truth so I had to do it.
Carbo-loaded hard the following day, slept like hibernating bear the rest of the afternoon. Saturday went by with almost no rain but during dawn and the rest of Sunday morning the storm unloaded HARD.
Break on downpour happened around 9 am had around 6 hours to go before we travel back to Manila so I proceeded with my journey.
Route was Tanza junction/city hall going to inner road to intersection of Gen.Trias and then entering conchu road until reaching amadeo, and tagaytay boy that was easily said than done.

Entering conchu I was already pushing my lowest gear slowly grinding. The climbs are mild but it goes on for meters, to kilometers without a break in elevation. The rain (surprise) made it even worse as most of the road badly paved, on some parts small potholes covered with streaming rain water will catch you. Grip was also an issue as slick-ish tires of the bike was slipping on puddles, roots and leaves that littered the road. On two instances the rain came with a vengeance and I had no choice but to take shelter on one makeshift waiting shed, and some trees for 10-20 minutes killing may momentum. Still the climbs looked to end and I realized that I had way more road to travel and not much time left on my schedule. Plus I was arrogant/stupid to not properly haul food and enough water bad for a fat diabetic person.
Turned around and blasted my way down. It was the highlight of the day as for the first time in hours of pedaling my legs could finally rest while the bike magically took control  and rolled on its own until I reached main road.

Point of surrender
Trip back around the town of Bagtas I came upon a small roadside stall which was selling some Lambanog (local moonshine) got to chat with the dude about how wonderful cavite is and about his libation business.

Orange flavored lambanog
Really hate not making it to tagaytay. During the car trip back to Manila later that day I did not feel numb, nor did I feel frustrated, I wanted to surprisingly tear tagaytay a new one or blow my knees trying to, or its just the Lambanog talking?

Ernest "buy local products" Hamster

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