
Hamster wheel

Keeps on spinning...
When I started driving 18 yrs. ago Metro manila was awesome place to have a car. Now it is the worse place for any motorized or pedal powered form of transport.
Why? Lack of implementation of the law, congestion and road works that just will not get done.
On some places you see compliance but in most areas it is just a mere "suggestion" for the constituency.

Motorist with erratic behavior tend to dominate the streets, with courtesy and common sense not usually present.
So how do you deal with said people? Be predictable.

Be the sheep follow simple rules and for fuck's sake use your common sense. Instead of imposing your "privilege" just comply. We all need to go to our destination in one piece so being one less dick on the road will help.

No grand theft auto video game here you cannot plow unto people.
The real problem lies on the mindset of pedestrians that they can get away with being stupid most of the time. YES you can but with serious consequences if that person you are challenging wielding a ton of moving metal does not yield.

Back to basics
Teach them while they are young, have somebody from concerned government institution draw up a campaign to educate. Stop wasting money on senseless "traffic parks" and Pokemon go cosplay...REALLY do shit. An hour a week extra class educating about traffic basics on the streets will do wonders than a field trip to some park for traffic awareness.

Heck! I would even volunteer for this joint.

"Splash its super effective!" Pic from the net

Do it yourself
Teach your kids. I do it while driving with my son the same way my Tito Joe would while we accompanied him while driving around Manila in the 80's and 90's.
As a parent you are the first line of defense against IGNORANCE of common traffic/road sense.

Walk, ride a bike, take public transportation once in while. Having a car or two nice but having to experience the raw mess your daily commute dishes out to MOST of the people around you makes you appreciate how good you have it and somehow reduces that urge to be an asshole on the roads...or not.

Ernest "slap in the face...its super effective" Hamster

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