
Hamster wheel: meet kesong puti, following the OLD Hamster blog

Keeps on spinning...
Previous "bike ride" I said my final goodbye to my old car. Now I introduce my new car.
Still on Mitsubishi camp I call "it" kesong puti (local white Carabao cheese) because it looks like one.
It does the job as city car, cheap to maintain, cheap to run, and cheap on fuel.
Kesong puti welcome to the family!

Kesong puti
Mirage G4-the one with the ass
Visitors of this site will notice that I had changed to a new format. The old one was getting tired and I feel that change is definitely needed. I am also reverting my write-ups to "casual style" on which I will not censor any cuss words. Although I will be limiting it to just the basic ones. NO special Tagalog or any other weird slang expressions.
Will also include other stuff in the content like video games from PC, console, and toy's because I have a kid and we both love toys.

Will not include ANY ride data from Strava. I use the app just to look at how I suck compared to my contemporaries so I won't be "embedding" that crap on my blog. You could follow me if you like HERE.
For monitoring ride and mapping I will be using and posting Endomondo data. It just shows the basic "all you need" to know information on my bicycle rides.

Political, religious and all TOPICS pertaining to...will not be showing its ugly head near my blog. I will also DELETE all comments pertaining to such.

Ernest Hamster

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