
Bike ride: Longest 8 km

Siglo bikes

Night ride
Started the ride perfectly stuffed myself with home cooked mash potatoes, 2 hard boiled eggs, and ton's of water. Traffic traveling to meeting point was almost non existent, the weather cold with light breeze.
The stars aligning for THAT perfect ride but it started to get interesting right at the beginning.

Murphy  visited.

Start: Manila Paco
Destination: Uncle Moe's shawarma hub paranaque

Food at Moe's Shawarma rich just what the doctor ordered to stay awake and alert during the jaunt back. My only regret not having a bottle or two of bikers juice to lessen the pain I was experiencing on my knee when pedaling with the left leg. Down stroke fine but the return stroke and rotation was like getting punched in the family jewels every freaking time. Honestly I wanted to cry because of the pain but with group waiting I needed to complete the ride.
With drafting support from Anton and patient sweeping from Doc Arvs I survived and we reached last stop before going our separate ways.

Thank you guys.

Alone I traversed Pasong tamo with the ferocity of a turtle usual 10-15 min travel time took me an hour. Only stopping once to eat wife snicker bar that I took from her snack supply it fueled me enough to get home...longest 8 km of my life.

Like the battle of New York from the Avengers flick SHAWARMA for the win!

Ernest "Grab a snicker bar" Hamster

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