
Bike ride: kissed the dirt and I liked it...not really.

With availability of WAHOO fitness (WF) app for android phones future "bike ride" articles will again have map data uploaded to Strava. The WF app records your workout via GPS and optional functions via specific WF gadgets like heart rate monitor, cadence sensor, bike computers etc. The best feature of WF is it does not have to connect to your phone carrier mobile internet data to record activities/workouts. It only requires the user to enable the phone GPS which is free. After each activity you now have the option to export files on your favorite tracking app like Strava, mapmyride, etc.

Ride a typical PATW to nearby (8km one way) Heroes Bike park. I do not know what the temperature is that day but it was hot the trail was also dusty. For those not familiar with Heroes it is around half a kilometer worth of man made trail. Comprised of Three sectors which test various degrees of bike handling skills. Sector one the entrance with easy sweeping berms and couple of switch backs with the steepest climb around. Sector two pump-track section, while sector three the rooted fast sections. The best thing about Heroes layout is that you can custom link sectors that can be accessed via adjacent fire road.

We were just having fun, feeling the heat we finished-off with a lap around the track and rested at the trail masters shed. Took a couple of pictures and talked about the brunch that we will be having later, we were ready to pack up, but I wanted some souvenir "action shots" so... JR went first around fast rooted sections of sector three while I decided to get my action shots taken on the two fast pumps around sector two.
It was a typical run around the pump track already did four laps there prior picture taking. What we both did not expect was a bad crash on the first pump...my front rim decided to kill itself upon clearing the pump, one OTB (over the bar) later and the damage done. Remembered hitting the pump I did it plenty of times before the initial ramp-up I pulled a little brake to reduce speed, attack position, arms fully extended to put weight at the back-end of the bike. Per instinct as soon hit the end of the pump I will pull forward and "pump" front end to maintain momentum. Did that and as soon as the front landed from 2 inch hop the rim exploded and I took a spill. Was looking at the next pump getting ready to attack but instead I saw the sky then the ground. A loud "thud" soon followed I felt the impact from the side of my head and I knew that I had a nasty crash. It hurts but as soon as the dust settled I tried to stand-up but my friend prevented me from doing so and asked me where I felt pain in my body so he did a safety check first before allowing me to get up also a couple of cyclist came to help pick my scattered gear around the crash site. The Right side of my body hurts but nothing broken, couple of bruises to show. Removed my bag and came looking for my bike..."yikes" was the first thing I muttered when I saw damn thing. The front rim clearly got mangled the crash also removed the rim tape, tire and tubes from the rim. Rotor bent broken, spokes are bent  but not broken, front hub fine. The fork only sustained a couple of scratches along with the handlebars. Looking at the destroyed rim it is clear that the failure was caused by the rim connecting weld giving way and separating.

F*ck dirt!
Been doing this for the past two years. Had a crash or two before but none was caused by critical component failure. It hurts and it sucks that this happened but I don't care. I will come back stronger.

Shout-out to JR and Rhia Thank you.


Strava data

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