
Hamster previews and reviews

Hamster blog now with product previews and reviews! Join me on my epic retail therapy journey blowing wads of cash on products I did ZERO research on.

Hamster previews will drop every Wednesdays, while reviews every last Wednesday of the Month so stay tuned!
Like those other reviews everywhere on the net in order to finely asses the worth of featured products yours truly will determine the awesomeness of said items by means of  CUTE Hamsters rating system.

1 Hamster "absolute garbage"
2 Hamsters "If you like this crap then..."
3 Hamsters "Try before you buy"
4 Hamsters "Excellent product"
5 Freakin' Hamster "TAKE MY MONEY!"

Ernest "Hamster"

Photo credit INTERNET. Thanks internet.

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