
Hamster Product review: Muc*OFF Wet Chain lube

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Purchased last quarter of 2012 and been using it both on dry and wet weather. Although I will admit that using a WET lube during Summer dry, dusty conditions will make cleaning your drive train more difficult due to dust and gunk build-up. Using my bike mostly on dry weather during the duration of the purchase the lube was not tested on extreme wet conditions until the rainy season came.

It was just a routine long-ride I told myself before embarking that fateful Saturday morning. First order of business was meeting with the group a 6km road jaunt from my friend home to the designated starting point. After a brief rest and a much needed sodium boost courtesy of Mc-d the ride was well on its way. From that point on things started to change from a-typical adventure ride to mud, dirt, gravel, trails littered with fist sized rocks, river crossings 14 total, and rain...lots of it. Conditions that will surely Strip lube on a chain fast. Muc-off stayed-on and performed its lubricating duties without fail.

I Highly Recommend Muc*OFF Wet Chain lube for its versatility in various conditions. Fourteen river crossing plus torrential downpour what more can you ask for. Price: 400+ pesos for 120ml bottle (pictured above)

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