
Bike ride

Friend reminder
Before coughing myself to sleep at around 11 pm last night I felt bloated from all the eating, drinking, partying on last quarter of December. My voice still hoarse, my body weak, and occasional phlegm would trickle out my nose. Put myself to sleep by browsing the interwebs for bike related stuff I do not need, luckily I did not get the night buzz I usually have the combination of cooking, driving, and hosting parties took its toll. Deep asleep I would not usually remember my dreams but this one got noticed.
Friend passed away this summer and he was in my dream. On occasion my deceased relatives close to me would show up on such but this was the first time my friend appeared. Honestly I miss the dude, could still remember the first thing I said to him when he got back from work stint in middle east "tara bike tayo!" now what if he got into biking? Would he still be with us today? That got me into thinking...I need to RIDE my bike NOW.
So I woke up, got dressed, drank a glass of water and proceeded for first new year bike ride.
Manila route similar to last ride with tito romarico. Instead of just doing laps around Mall of Asia which is boring. I did the slightly long route, took the most straight streets which I could get up to speed and pedal like a Hamster.
Twenty KPH my minimum and no matter who's in front of me I needed to maintain that on 32T ratio up-front. Would occasionally get up to 25 kph but that was it.
Sure enough the spin bonanza ride proved effective. Did 3 laps around CCP, MOA, area and logged in 38 km on ride total. Looking at the data a small chunk of route was missing during the beginning of the ride at least 2-3 km give or take. So YES I did 40 km today not bad effort coming from binge fest that was the holidays and the ghost of a friend past.

Strava or it did not happen

Ernest Hamster

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