

Resolve broken rim

Suffered a hard crash month and half ago that resulted in a taco-ed rim, ripped tire, and retirement of my helmet. Now finally I got the rim sorted.

Day after the crash removed all the surviving dangling bits from the rim (spokes, nipples, and hub). Talked to dealer that sold me the rim, which also happens to be my main LBS. Came with realistic expectations that since the rim a year old then I could not straight up get a FREE replacement just needed to know my options.

Healed and itching to ride a month from the crash contacted the LBS which informed me that the local distributor could not give me a free replacement (given) instead they offered a pair of the same rim model, same color for reasonable discount. LBS owner laid out that option, rim was already delivered and he told me to think about that offer. Wont lie was disappointed with that and politely told owner that "I will have to think about it".

So I contacted the MANUFACTURER directly, sent them a formal email. The response was prompt, exchanged emails with their customer service rep and we came into an agreement. Manufacturer instructed the local distributor to give me a "crash replacement" upgrade (model) along with the mentioned discount. This was yesterday and today the distributor via my LBS informed me that my rims will be delivered to (LBS) soon. As an added bonus they added another 10% to my replacement discount.

Mountain biking hard on equipment specially when you USE your bike for its intended purpose. It is good to know that the parts you poured your hard earned money has customer service support long before you hit 1000 kilometer mileage mark. It also pays to be good to your LBS.

Props to friendly neighborhood LBS Ulyby bike shop and
Props to SPANK ind for having excellent product support and customer service.

Ernest "PapaHamster" Rufo